Organic Weed & Pest Control
Weed Control
The program starts with an examination of your lawn and landscape to determine what it needs. Then a specific program is recommended to get your lawn up to speed. By studying soil science and conducting lawn trials we have discovered that grass thrives on specific nutrients and weeds thrive on other nutrients. The turf program is formulated to specifically feed the grass and starve the weeds. Seeding every year helps choke the weeds and fill in any bare spots. The seed we use has been used in six consecutive super bowls. Organic Turf and Insect produces lawns that are 95% weed free or better. Our formula gets rid of dandelions, crabgrass and most all broadleaf weeds.
What you can expect with the full lawn program and following the mowing instructions: The first year a thick, green lawn with about the same amount of weeds as the year before, but the lawn will appear to have less weeds because the turf will be much thicker. The second year the turf is thick and green with a large reduction in weeds. The third year the lawn is thick and green with good weed control. Turfgrass likes certain nutrients and weeds like different nutrients, so the fertilizer and lime are formulated to specifically feed the grass and starve the weeds. The fertilizer and lime starve out dandelions, crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Most of our lawns are free from or have minimal dandelions, crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Cut the turf at exactly 3½ inches during April, May, June, September, October and November. The 3½ inch cut during these months will cause the grass to grow rapidly and thicken. Do not cut lower or higher during April, May, June, September, October and November. Exactly 3½ inches gives the best results. In July and August when the weather gets hotter, raise the mower blade to 5 inches. The 5 inch cut in July and August will help keep the lawn from going dormant and help keep weeds at bay. If the turf is cut short in July and August this can cause a weed explosion especially crabgrass. There is one exception when mowing to control Japanese stiltgrass. Only use this mowing exception if the turf has Japanese stiltgrass. Starting approximately August 21 not before, lower the mower blade to exactly 1½ inches. Not higher, not lower. Japanese stiltgrass can not survive a short cut. One cut may do the job but check the turf the following week and cut at 1½ inches for two more weeks if needed. Do not wait to long after August 21 to get started because Japanese stiltgrass will start to set seed in the middle of September. If the Japanese stiltgrass is allowed to set seed in September, the turf will have Japanese stiltgrass the following year. Mowing the lawn at 1½ inches before August 21 can cause a weed explosion. Another service we offer is using 20% horticultural vinegar spray to control weeds in mulch beds, walkways, patios and driveways.
Pest Control The organic pest control program uses garlic spray to contorl deer ticks from lawns and landscapes. Beneficial nemotodes are used to control tick larvae which help break the ticks life cycle. Nematodes are also used to contol termites around the house. Garlic spray is placed around the foundation to control a broad range of insects such as ants, centipedes, millipedes, silverfish etc. Pyganic is used to control insects like cave crickets, spiders and dangerous bee nests. For mice and rats, peppermint oil is sprayed around the house foundation and installation of bait staions with Vitamin D3 as the toxin are placed around the house foundation. Milky Spore is used to control Japanese beetle grubs. Nematodes are used to control the other species of grubs.