1. Full service 100% organic lawn and landscaping. Except for mowing.
2. 100% organic pest control for all types of insects, mice and rodents on lawns, landscapes and in homes including black legged deer ticks, lone star ticks, dog ticks, brown ticks, east asian longhorned ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, carpenter ants, termites, centipedes, millipedes, cave camelback crickets, silverfish, roaches, earwigs, bedbugs, baldfaced hornets, yellowjackets, wasps, carpenter bees, cicada killer wasps etc.
3. Fertilizing and lime for lawns.
4. Fertilizing for shrubs and trees.
5. Seeding for lawns.
6. Gypsum applications for lawns, shrubs and trees.
7. Spot spraying weeds with horicultural vinegar in lawn.
8. Milky spore japanese and oriental beetle control for lawn.
9. Beneficial nematodes for all types of lawn grubs.
10. Japanese and oriental beetle traps with seasonal monitoring.
11. Borax application control ground ivy.
12. Garlic application for ticks and fleas.
13. Garlic and orange juice application control mosquitoes.
14. Beneficial nematode application control tick larvae.
15. Garlic Barrier application around house foundation with borax bait stations control house insects.
16. Pyganic spray inside house control spiders and cave crickets.
17. Beneficial nematode application with wood borax bait stations control termites.
18. Peppermint applications around foundation with vitamin D3 bait stations control mice, rats and rodents.
19. Pyganic spray for yellow jackets, hornets, and carpenter bees.
20. Mulching, planting shrubs and flowers.
21. Shrub and light tree pruning.
22. Yard clean ups, shrub and light tree removal.
23. Control weeds with horicultural vinegar and or pull by hand in mulch, walks, patios and driveways.