Leave the clippings, leave the clippings, leave clippings on the lawn. We can't say it enough. There are turf trials at Rutgers University and at Organic Turf that show when grass clippings are left on the lawn (not bagged) the lawns are thicker, greener and have less weeds. When grass clippings are left on a lawn they return nutrients, increase organic matter, help make the lawn drought resistant and inhibit weed germination. Powerful mowers with mulch blades chop lawn clippings very fine as to be hardly noticeable. If grass clumps on the lawn, as it may when grass is cut wet, the large clumps must be dispersed with a leaf blower.
Ideally turf likes 1 inch of rain or irrigation per week during April, May, June, September and Octomber. In July and August when climate is hotter the lawn requires 1½ - 2 inches of rain or irrigation. If unable to irrigate during hot weather of July and August cut grass less frequently, every other week or every third week or as needed and cut the turf no less than 5 inches high, Leaving the turf high during hot dry weather will shade the soil lessening evaporation of soil moisture and will help produce a green lawn even during hot dry weather. In April, May, June, September, October and November cut turf at 3½ inches which encourages the turf to grow rapidly and thicken.